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Please give a proper set of controls because I have no idea wtf is going on with the UI controls.
And then there are multiple variants of the same boss that either is focused on attacking you or is focused on fucking you. like what is up with that? And a list of how to trigger the sex scenes is needed.

Is there a way to trigger the sex (with the character we are using) ?

Well each character has a specific way to trigger a sex move, and since there are so many male characters it would be hard to make a list for each sex move for each character(I may do that in the future), but usually it consists of doing simple combinations like "v+>" 2 times + "punch" or "kick", like a hadouken. 

A movelist would be convenient, but not necessary at the moment; so take your time.


He's got his head up her ass in one gif?
Excellent, downloading now.


I think I downloaded the wrong Street Fighter